 My name is Brady Powell, and I am a 19 year's old.
I have suffered with a serious anxiety disorder for around about two years now, and during those two years things went from bad to worse.
When i first began having "anxiety attacks" I had no idea what they were, I thought I was dying, untill i had gone to the doctors and told what they actually were. I found it very hard to cope with. My symptoms were constant palpitations, dizziness, and chest pains. The worst by far however were the palpitations, the constant feeling that your heart is going to jump out of your chest, I sometimes felt that my heart would not take it any more, and that led me into the constant feeling that i was dying. Something which I still suffer with at night, the underlying feeling that I may not wake up. Even though ´the chances of that happening are slim to none, im sure as sufferer's you know if you or someone else tells you what your feeling isnt real, you will tell them otherwise.

It took about six months for the palpitations to fade away, I still get them from time to time, more so now as I have decided to quit smoking. My current symptoms are tiredness, occasionall chest pains, dizzieness, and strange popping feelings in my ears, any of which can trigger me to panic.

One thing I had always turned to was alcohol, it took that panicy feeling away, and made for an easy nights sleep, and for almost two years I would always drink almost every day, to try and remedy the attacks, and the worrying. What I didnt realise untill now is that the alcohol was a big part in why my anxiety continued, when I woke up after drinking, I would get a strange sensation, it almost felt like my blood was vibrating, which led to the attacks, only untill I had had another beer, and then it would stop.

In the past two months I have moved to vienna, and realised that this is not the way to live, as im sure if I carried on that way it would lead me into an early grave. So i have made a promise to myself that I will stop drinking for good, aswell as giving up smoking.

It has been 5 days so far, and my body feels much better, but im finding it near impossible to sleep, and the nightime anxeity is much worse, but I am going to keep at it, untill I have overcome this problem, and hopefully overcome my anxiety.

I will update this page daily, and let you all know of my story and maybe on the next page you can share yours, and I will reply.

Thank you for your time.



So its 12 o'clock day 6, feeling pretty tired this morning, didnt sleep very well.

The urge to smoke is starting to dissapear though which is a plus, it feels good being drink free for this long, phsically and mentally, but the urge is still lurking.

Its about 8 o'clock now, the urge to smoke is pretty high now, went for a run earlier which made me feel abit better.


Hi guys, sorry i did not update yesterday, i was unable to get online.

So its been 8 days now, and i gave in to smoking a couple of ciggerettes today, but the rest is still going strong.
Havent really done much today, just been chilling around the house, looking for a job online, they seem to be rather scarce out here at the moment. Hopefully though when i do get one, it will make this whole situation alot easier, as i will be occupied. Having too much time on your hands definatly doesnt go well with the problem in hand.

Any comments would be appriecated guys :)


Good evening readers.
Its 5 here and today has been pretty boring, apart from hearing back about a job which was good. The anxiety seems to be gone during the day now, im pretty confident that drinking regularly was what was making it so bad. Going out for the day tomorow with my girlfriend, so maybe will a couple of beers, but ill leave it at that.

Cheers :)


Hi everyone, had a nice day out with the missus today, had a couple of drinks at a lake local to me, it was nice, and I didnt feel the need to drink even more after a couple.
No anxiety today :)


Hi guy's.
Not going to write too much now because im really tired, only had 3 hours sleep last night and am going to hit the hay now.

Cheers :)